305 research outputs found

    A Furstenberg-Katznelson-Weiss type theorem on (d + 1)-point configurations in sets of positive density in finite field geometries

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    We show that if E⊂FqdE \subset \mathbb{F}_q^d, the dd-dimensional vector space over the finite field with qq elements, and ∣EâˆŁâ‰„Ïqd|E| \geq \rho q^d, where q−12â‰Șρ≀1 q^{-\frac{1}{2}}\ll \rho \leq 1, then EE contains an isometric copy of at least cρd−1q(d+12)c \rho^{d-1} q^{d+1 \choose 2} distinct (d+1)(d+1)-point configurations

    Asterias: a parallelized web-based suite for the analysis of expression and aCGH data

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    Asterias (\url{http://www.asterias.info}) is an integrated collection of freely-accessible web tools for the analysis of gene expression and aCGH data. Most of the tools use parallel computing (via MPI). Most of our applications allow the user to obtain additional information for user-selected genes by using clickable links in tables and/or figures. Our tools include: normalization of expression and aCGH data; converting between different types of gene/clone and protein identifiers; filtering and imputation; finding differentially expressed genes related to patient class and survival data; searching for models of class prediction; using random forests to search for minimal models for class prediction or for large subsets of genes with predictive capacity; searching for molecular signatures and predictive genes with survival data; detecting regions of genomic DNA gain or loss. The capability to send results between different applications, access to additional functional information, and parallelized computation make our suite unique and exploit features only available to web-based applications.Comment: web based application; 3 figure

    Circuits in motion. Polysystem theory and the analysis of culture

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    191 p.Descargas previas 26 Idea makers allied to centers of power are able to flood the citizenry with a Nile-sized flow of images each and every day, a current so large and seemingly untamed that it robs many otherwise perspicacious people of their ability to remember a key, and we believe, unassailable postulate of Polysystem Theory critical outlook, that there is no cohesion, and therefore no recognizable schemas of meaning in culture without the “curating” of extant cultural inventories. In short, Even-Zohar’s theory teaches us that, however invisible their presence might seem to be in a given moment, there are always relatively small groups of people working in concert with key power holders to generate and maintain elite-friendly concepts of “reality” for the rest of us, and that with a little bit of searching, we can actually locate and expose to others exactly who they are, and how they work their semiotic magic on the majority.This book has been published within the framework of the LAIDA Research Group (Literature and Identity) (IT 1397/19, GIU 20/26), recognised entity of the Network of Research Groups of the Basque Government and recognised by the University of the Basque Country / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea. Economically supported by the Vice-Rectorate of the Campus of Biscay of the UPV / EHU and the Vice-Rectorate of the Research Area

    Effects of Vine Water Status on Yield Components, Vegetative Response and Must and Wine Composition

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    Despite Vitis vinifera L. is a drought-tolerant species—rainfed traditionally grown in a very diversity of climates—irrigation has more and more become a usual practice aimed to obtain regular yields along seasons and to control must composition. Results on vineyard irrigation are dependent on the timing, length and intensity of the water deficit. From budbreak to flowering, shoot growth is very sensitive to water stress, while reproductive growth is almost unaffected. Severe water deficit during fruit set can reduce yield by affecting ovary cell multiplication and expansion. During maturation water stress induces yield reduction by limiting berry growth; along this phase must composition is also affected. There is a positive, linear relationship between must sugar content and available water; however, no relationship has been found to either total acidity or pH. Biosynthesis of anthocyanins and fruity aromas is enhanced by water deficit. Usually, wines from moderate irrigation treatments scored the highest. There is a general agreement that severe, long water deficits diminish must quality, leaf area, fertility and yield, and it has a negative carryover effect on the next seasons by limiting wood reserves to be used the following seasons

    A Well-Resolved Phylogeny of the Trees of Puerto Rico Based on DNA Barcode Sequence Data

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    Background: The use of phylogenetic information in community ecology and conservation has grown in recent years. Two key issues for community phylogenetics studies, however, are (i) low terminal phylogenetic resolution and (ii) arbitrarilydefined species pools. Methodology/principal findings: We used three DNA barcodes (plastid DNA regions rbcL, matK, and trnH-psbA) to infer a phylogeny for 527 native and naturalized trees of Puerto Rico, representing the vast majority of the entire tree flora of the island (89%). We used a maximum likelihood (ML) approach with and without a constraint tree that enforced monophyly of recognized plant orders. Based on 50% consensus trees, the ML analyses improved phylogenetic resolution relative to a comparable phylogeny generated with PHYLOMATIC (proportion of internal nodes resolved:constrained ML = 74%, unconstrained ML = 68%, PHYLOMATIC = 52%). We quantified the phylogenetic composition of 15 protected forests in Puerto Rico using the constrained ML and PHYLOMATIC phylogenies. We found some evidence that tree communities in areas of high water stress were relatively phylogenetically clustered. Reducing the scale at which the species pool was defined (from island to soil types) changed some of our results depending on which phylogeny (ML vs. PHYLOMATIC) was used. Overall, the increased terminal resolution provided by the ML phylogeny revealed additional patterns that were not observed with a less-resolved phylogeny. Conclusions/significance: With the DNA barcode phylogeny presented here (based on an island-wide species pool), we show that a more fully resolved phylogeny increases power to detect nonrandom patterns of community composition in several Puerto Rican tree communities. Especially if combined with additional information on species functional traits and geographic distributions, this phylogeny will (i) facilitate stronger inferences about the role of historical processes in governing the assembly and composition of Puerto Rican forests, (ii) provide insight into Caribbean biogeography, and (iii) aid in incorporating evolutionary history into conservation planning

    Convenience of Applying of Viticulture Technique as a Function of the Water Status of the Vine-Stock

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    This study determined the effect that the irrigation dosage and cluster thinning showed over the antioxidant activities and total phenols in grapes, and phenolic profile and chromatic characteristics of cv. Tempranillo wines. The experiment was carried out over two consecutive seasons at an experimental vineyard in Extremadura (Spain). The plants were subjected to two post-véraison irrigation treatments, one at 100% (R100) and the other at 25% (R25) of crop evapotranspiration (ETc). Two crop loads (C and T) were additionally established for each irrigation treatment by cluster thinning at véraison. The winemaking process involved separate use of the grapes from each of the four resulting treatment groups (R100C, R100T, R25C and R25T) and followed a common protocol. In grapes, the effect of thinning enhanced when combined with water deficit, resulting in increases phenylpropanoids and flavonoids at the harvest, while leaving the polyphenol oxidaseŽs activity unaffected. In wines, the higher post-véraison water stress of the R25 treatments resulted in higher values of dimeric flavonol and flavanol concentrations. The wine hue was affected by water status. The cluster thinning caused additional increases in the concentrations of monomeric flavanols and anthocyanins, as well as resulting in stronger wine colour intensity

    Asterias: A Parallelized Web-based Suite for the Analysis of Expression and aCGH Data

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    The analysis of expression and CGH arrays plays a central role in the study of complex diseases, especially cancer, including finding markers for early diagnosis and prognosis, choosing an optimal therapy, or increasing our understanding of cancer development and metastasis. Asterias (http://www.asterias.info) is an integrated collection of freely-accessible web tools for the analysis of gene expression and aCGH data. Most of the tools use parallel computing (via MPI) and run on a server with 60 CPUs for computation; compared to a desktop or server-based but not parallelized application, parallelization provides speed ups of factors up to 50. Most of our applications allow the user to obtain additional information for user-selected genes (chromosomal location, PubMed ids, Gene Ontology terms, etc.) by using clickable links in tables and/or figures. Our tools include: normalization of expression and aCGH data (DNMAD); converting between different types of gene/clone and protein identifiers (IDconverter/IDClight); filtering and imputation (preP); finding differentially expressed genes related to patient class and survival data (Pomelo II); searching for models of class prediction (Tnasas); using random forests to search for minimal models for class prediction or for large subsets of genes with predictive capacity (GeneSrF); searching for molecular signatures and predictive genes with survival data (SignS); detecting regions of genomic DNA gain or loss (ADaCGH). The capability to send results between different applications, access to additional functional information, and parallelized computation make our suite unique and exploit features only available to web-based applications
